Krankenversicherung Deutschland

Ihr kostenfreier Vergleich privater Krankenversicherungen

Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)
Worth a PHI?

Worth a PKV for you?
This question is difficult to answer. Generally, the more you earn, the more it is worthwhile to private health insurance.
And it is, the more secure your income is, the easier you can make a decision.
For people without children in private health insurance is worth many times more than for fathers and mothers.
Of course it can be worthwhile even if you have children, so you can check on insurance comparisons on our site.

For students with a private health insurance is often a viable alternative. The insurance is as expensive as similar student health insurance. In addition, the student is then the private health insurance and must meet no later admission criteria more. He has to say after studying the free choice whether to remain privately insured or whether he wants to switch to the statutory health insurance. This is a decisive advantage.

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