Krankenversicherung Deutschland

Ihr kostenfreier Vergleich privater Krankenversicherungen

Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)
Private health insurance benefits
The benefits of private health insurance are usually better than the public health insurance.
At the conclusion of a private health insurance can choose from any provider between different tariffs.

Meanwhile, any private health insurance and a base price (before 2009: standard rate) offer the services of statutory health insurance meets.
Then there are basic security tariffs up to full coverage.

Most will be saved in lower prices at the following locations:

- Higher deductible
- No Chief Medical Treatment
- No single room in hospital
- Only rata refund Dentures

Who can accept these limitations rather save a lot of money.
This tariff can be described as a "basic security" mean.

Complete protection:

- No cost sharing
- Chief Medical Treatment
- Single rooms in hospitals
- Dentures 100%

Base rate PKV (Equivalent to the performance of the statutory health insurance):
- Since 01.01.2009, any new customer to use the basic rate of private health insurance.
- Who is already private health insurance that can move only with restrictions in this tariff.

Restrictions for existing private coverage:
In this tariff may change the Insured either over 55 years old and already 10 years with private insurance and whose income has fallen and the income limit.
In addition, all persons may carry more than 65 years old and 10 years of private insurance were to change to this tariff.

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